Has he got any kind of plan to get out of this spiral? Two obvious plans would be improve his channel or else find a job instead. He doesn’t give any indication of doing either.
Evidently his ex-wife has figured this out and has a job. Lloyd seems to be the only holdout.
Key words being “in the car on my way to work”, meaning that she has a real job she needs to get up for and drive to.
Read what else she has to say about learning to love herself. Absolutely shameful and proof positive those two letters Jabba the Hutt sent her were not just a “one-off”.
Notice how he said that Ad revenue gets him $1200 a month but he didn’t mention how much his patron and other begging measures generate.
€1630 is the median wage in Croatia, but that is gross. He’s very close to the median wage there and that is counting only YT revenue, not Patreon, YT subs and the PayPal donations he is soliciting. So he’s probably at least at double the median wage and he still wants more.
Anyone desire to take a guess as to what a 41 year old single mother who hasn’t worked for over 10 years would be earning in Sisak right now?